
Ma lettre de motivation pour devenir au pair aux USA

La lettre de motivation pour devenir au pair aux USA est une étape obligatoire !

Que soit pour un job étudiant, une école, un stage etc… la lettre de motivation est toujours un passage obligé. Alors comme tu t’en doutes, tu n’allais pas y échapper lors de ton inscription comme au pair.

Il y a plusieurs façon d’écrire une lettre de motivation, il n’existe pas un modèle à suivre. Cependant si je devais donner des conseils sur quoi mettre dans une lettre de motivation pour devenir au pair…

  • Présente toi rapidement !

Nom, prénom, âge, nombre de frères et sœurs, où tu vis, ton quotidien….

  • Parle de tes expériences avec les enfants !

L’âge des enfants que tu as gardés, combien de temps, tes diplômes….

  • Décris de ta personnalité !

Raconte ce qui te fait vibrer, tes valeurs, des exemples correspondant à tes traits de personnalité…

  • Partage tes hobbies !

Tout ce que tu fais, aimes faire, comment tu souhaites l’enseigner aux enfants si c’est possible…

  • Explique pourquoi tu voudrais être au pair…

On évite de seulement dire « j’avais envie de voyager » hein? Garde dans le message que l’envie vient aussi du fait qu’on aime s’occuper d’enfants…

  • … et pourquoi tu es l’AU PAIR à choisir !

 En deux mots : pourquoi toi ? et pas une autre. Que peux-tu apporter à cette famille, c’est quoi ton petit truc en plus…

Et si je devais ne donner qu’un conseil :

Donne envie aux familles de te contacter pour en savoir plus sur toi.

Si tu veux un peu d’inspiration, j’ai mis à dispo ma lettre de motivation pour devenir au pair aux usa. Tu peux aussi découvrir mon application en ligne chez Cultural Care en cliquant ici !

Bonne lecture !

La lettre de motivation pour devenir au pair aux USA

 » Hello dear family 🙂 !

First of all, let me introduce myself more precisely! My name is Claire-Lise , I am 21 years old and I live by myself in a flat , in the south of France in the city of Tarnos. I have three sisters,one brother and seven nieces and nephews.I share my life between my work and my studies.

Actually, every friday I have to drive two hours to go to my faculty because I am preparing a test, I look after children the rest of the week, and sometimes during the week end I work as a hotesse in VIP room receptions at the rugby games .

I have a lot of experience with children, I learned a lot of things about them when I worked in the holiday center because I had to look after a big group of kids . Thanks to that job I learned a lot of things regarding children and their interests.

I have been working with a nanny agency for two years ,thanks to them i now work in two families every week.When I joined the agency 3 years ago, I met a family with two children: Gabrielle was 3 years old and Matthieu was 4 years old. I’m always with them during the week and the holidays, and now they are like my family.I am very close to these children,their mother and I really are like friends now, and I try to give the best of me for them.

Concerning personnality I am: serious , discreet and I follow the rules that my employer gives me. If I make a mistake , I apologize and always try to do better . I am dynamic, positive and patient.I am someone that you can totally trust in because i am honnest and loyal. I like to take initiative for my entourage, to give them a little happyness.I am not shy ,and I love to have fun.

When I’m with the children , I try to give them selfconfidence,I help them to grow up with love and joy.I am not afraid of beeing ridiculous when I play with kids. For example I’m ok to wear costumes ,I come in their world and try to laugh with them. I am very patient. I try to give them good values for their lifes.

Now, I would like to tell you about my hobbies.

I love to spend time with my family and my friends.I love cooking , I often cook for my friends and my family.I love to see movies, or go to the restaurant with them.

I love to go out and practice sports like , running, bike , playing tennis or football with my friends . I am in a fitness club and I try to practice sport two times a week minimum.

In my region, there are a lot of things to see or to do: there are museums, aquarium, sports challenge ( specially in surf and rugby )and there are a lot of very beautiful historic or nature’s places to see.

I love shopping, I am interested in fashion, I always try to look good. Less girly hobbies : I like to play video games and I am fascinated by cars. Last October I traveled to Paris specially to go to the World of Automobile to see many wonderfull cars.

I have wanted to be aupair for five years, and I think it is the best moment for me to do it. I care about children , and especially when I can build a relationship based on trust living with them. It makes me happy when I see I have learned them good things or when I give them good memories for their life. I want to be helpful to them , lead them on the right way.

I am facinated by the USA , that is why I chose this country to be an aupair, and i know this is the best way to speak english very well, and it could be a good thing for my work in the future .

My goal when I will be au pair in your family , is to give you the best of me, be like an sister, a friend and a personn of trust to you and your children. Bring you happiness, good times and memories.

I am interested in many things , and I love to discover new ones . So I wish, I can do it, respecting your family’s tradition and culture.

The aupair program is the blend of my passion for the children and my will to discover other cultures and languages , that is why I want to be aupair 🙂 .

Dear family, I wish this little letter will tempt you to contact me and know more about me .

Waiting for your news, friendly

Claire-Lise »

Bonjour et bienvenue sur mon blog ! Je m'appelle Claire-Lise, anciennement expatriée aux USA. Je partage mes aventures, conseils, idées et accompagnent les personnes motivées par le programme au pair !


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